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Nebraskaland Song

Gloria Christiansen • April 7, 2021

Nebraskaland by Breede and Kratz

Recently, ACM received a piece of music copyrighted 1916 called Nebraskaland, Nebraskaland The State of ’67.”  The music by Lee. G. Kratz, the epic by Adam Breede was published one year after Antelope District #70 country schoolhouse was built south of Clearwater, Nebraska. The words to the tune reflect on early history as far back as when Nebraska became a state in 1867. It is interesting that the text is identified on the cover of the sheet music as epic, rather than lyrics. The main difference between lyric and epic is length. Epic usually tells a story. A lyric poem may not tell a story but simply communicate an idea or feeling. Both lyrics and epics are poetry.

What was the purpose of this song? Was it written to sell others on settling in Nebraska? Did the song writer live in Nebraska, then move away? Did students across Nebraska once upon a time sing this song in classrooms? What are your thoughts about this song?


1. Nebraskaland, Nebraskaland, the state of sixty-seven, No other place at man’s command, Comes nearer being heav’n.

It’s riches beyond ones fondest dream. Has wealth beyond compare. There’s untold gold in field and stream, There’s wealth most anywhere.

2. How fertile are the fields today, What grandeur decks the home, where Buffalo did sport and play, And red men free did roam. There’s golden rod on hill and dale. The flower of our state. In days gone by it marked the “trail,” The pioneers relate.

3. The house of sod has had its day, It served its purpose well, Prosperity now holds full sway. As one can quickly tell. In education there’s no flaw, Nebraska’s hard to beat Equality before the law, Deals justice that is meet.

4. No fairer skies in all the land, No softer zephrs blow, No greener fields on ev’ry hand, Can any country show. That’s why Nebraska stands out free, That’s why I love her so. And home to me ‘twill always be, no matter where I go.


Nebraskaland, Nebraskaland, I love your waving fields, Nebraskaland, Nebraskaland I love your golden yields, It matters not where I may be, What foreign fields I roam, you’ll always be most dear to me. I love you, ‘cause you’re home….

Thank you to Jill Bates for donating this historical piece of sheet music to Antelope County #70 Schoolhouse Project. 

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